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Alive, a voluntary organisation, was initially formed by three women with Cambodian roots from different generational backgrounds in the wake of the Kim Hak 'Alive IV' exhibitions held in 2022. They aim to encourage people with Cambodian roots living in Japan to value their authentic selves, while emphasizing the wellbeing of those who came as refugees from Cambodia, and their families, and leading supporting activities from that perspective. They are working towards a future where young people with Cambodian roots living in Japan can be proud of their roots and develop their identity to the fullest.
After organising an additional exhibition of Alive IV in Yokohama and a public programme at the Phnom Penh exhibition of the same, both in 2023, Alive now has a six-member team with three new members.
Members of Alive (as of April 2024): Kanna Hagiwara, Nan Matsuhashi, Sararn Tokai, Hikaru Nakamura, Taeka Horiguchi, Sokoeun Han.
任意団体である「Alive」は、2022年に開催された KimHak「生きるIV」展をきっかけに、カンボジアにルーツを持つ異なる世代背景の女性 3 名により結成されました。日本に住むカンボジアにルーツを持つ人々が「自分らしさ」を大事にすること、またカンボジアから難⺠として移住してきた人々やその家族のウェルビーングについて考え、当事者の視点でサポート活動をリードすることを目的にしています。日本に住むカンボジアにルーツを持つ若者が、自らのルーツを誇りに思い自分らしさを最大限に開花できる未来を目指して活動しています。
Aliveのメンバー(2024年4月現在):萩原カンナ、松橋南里、渡会紗藍、中村輝、堀口妙香、はん そくあん
After organising an additional exhibition of Alive IV in Yokohama and a public programme at the Phnom Penh exhibition of the same, both in 2023, Alive now has a six-member team with three new members.
Members of Alive (as of April 2024): Kanna Hagiwara, Nan Matsuhashi, Sararn Tokai, Hikaru Nakamura, Taeka Horiguchi, Sokoeun Han.
任意団体である「Alive」は、2022年に開催された KimHak「生きるIV」展をきっかけに、カンボジアにルーツを持つ異なる世代背景の女性 3 名により結成されました。日本に住むカンボジアにルーツを持つ人々が「自分らしさ」を大事にすること、またカンボジアから難⺠として移住してきた人々やその家族のウェルビーングについて考え、当事者の視点でサポート活動をリードすることを目的にしています。日本に住むカンボジアにルーツを持つ若者が、自らのルーツを誇りに思い自分らしさを最大限に開花できる未来を目指して活動しています。
Aliveのメンバー(2024年4月現在):萩原カンナ、松橋南里、渡会紗藍、中村輝、堀口妙香、はん そくあん

Amayi is a social enterprise that aims to empower women in Malawi to gain the skills and networks to support themselves and their families financially. Originally called Fiola Fairrari, Amayi works with women-led families, widows and women with fewer opportunities both in Malawi’s capital Lilongwe and also in and around Dzaleka Refugee Camp.

Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Since it was established in Phnom Penh in 2006, the Bophana Center has acquired film, television, photography and sound archives on Cambodia from all around the world and gives free public access to this heritage. For Cambodians, it opens the door to large swathes of memory. For teachers, students, researchers or journalists, it is an exceptional documentary database. The Bophana Center also offers young Cambodians vocational training and professional support.

Calmette Hospital
Calmette Hospital is a teaching hospital with three principal missions: quality of care, health professional education and research.
Calmette Hospital has been playing a key role in medical professional education in Cambodia by collaborating with national, regional and international health sciences universities members.
Calmette Hospital has been playing a key role in medical professional education in Cambodia by collaborating with national, regional and international health sciences universities members.

Cambodian Living Arts
Cambodian Living Arts was founded in 1998 and focuses on helping talented people to build and develop careers in the arts, through scholarships, fellowships, and support to troupes and individuals. They aim to promote creativity and innovation in the arts sector, and to build links with their neighbours in the Greater Mekong region and further afield in Asia. They work to get more arts and culture education into Cambodian public schools, and to increase performance opportunities for Cambodian artists.

Doc Edge
Doc Edge (The Documentary New Zealand Trust) is a not-for-profit film and arts organisation founded in 2004 in Auckland, New Zealand. Doc Edge aims to promote documentary films, create healthy audience appreciation for documentary and make New Zealand a documentary destination on the world stage. They lead and support filmmakers to develop and make compelling documentary films and to inspire the creative, business and wider communities to celebrate local and international documentary stories.

Kim Hak
Kim Hak is a photographer who splits his time between Phnom Penh and Battambang in Cambodia. His latest work explores the stories of survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime in the mid and late 1970s. This project has taken him beyond Cambodia, to collaborate with the Cambodian diaspora in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Malawi National Commission for UNESCO
UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. The Malawi National Commission for UNESCO represents these values and applies them to a range of projects that benefit the people of Malawi socially and culturally.

Malawi National Library Service
The National Library Service (NLS) Board was established in 1967 to promote, establish, equip, manage, maintain, and develop libraries in Malawi. Their mission is to ensure that people of Malawi have access to educational, training, recreational and information materials for national development.

Menes la Plume
Menes la Plume is a multilingual slam poet, hip hop artist, and writer born in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In 2008 civil unrest in the DRC forced him to move to Malawi, and he now lives at Dzaleka Refugee Camp. Menes la Plume uses the power of words, music and culture, to raise awareness about issues surrounding refugees, and promote unity. He has set up the Tumaini Letu for various initiatives in the camp, such as Tumaini Festival and creative writing classes.

Music Crossroads Malawi
Music Crossroads is a non-profit organisation which uses the power of music education, professional training, live performances and promotion of young talent. They aim to support the development of the music education sector and the music industry in the culturally rich southern African region.

Nanzikambe Arts
Nanzikambe Arts is an arts-based development organisation that came into existence in 2003 in Blantyre, Malawi. Nanzikambe is committed to building the capacity of performing artists and communities, implementing interactive communications projects, and developing and performing quality intercultural theatre and arts to diverse audiences to promote positive change.

National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago
Founded in 2009, the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS) is Aotearoa New Zealand’s first centre to combine global cross-disciplinary expertise on the issues of development, peace-building and conflict transformation. Established in 2009, NCPACS is a theory, research and practice centre located within the Division of Humanities, University of Otago.

National Records and Archives Services
National Records and Archives Services is a government department established in 1947 as the Central African Archives and later called National Archives of Malawi. The mission of the National Records and Archives Services is to collect, organise, control, preserve and make available to the Malawi nation, and other interested people, information and media that reflect the country’s historical, political, judiciary, religious, economic, social and cultural heritage.

Ngā Rangatahi Toa
Ngā Rangatahi Toa aims to ensure that Aotearoa is a country in which every young person fulfils their potential no matter their circumstances. Their vision is to develop a world-class pedagogical and community cultural development framework that is seen as the go-to model for engaging marginalised youth. Their target population is young people between the ages of 14-19 who are in alternative education or not in education, employment or training, and live in South Auckland. They work with young people and their whānau in high-engagement and arts-access programmes.

Objectspace is a public gallery in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, which is dedicated to positioning craft, design and architecture within a range of cultural, economic and social frameworks, to provoke new assessments about work and practice.

PICO Factory
PICO Factory Japan is a science and entertainment group formed in 2011 by a science teacher and a mathematics teacher who were working in Malawi. Through drama, workshops and lectures incorporating scientific experiments, PICO Factory aims to convey the fun of science to children around the world.

Rhythm of Life
Rhythm of Life Malawi was founded to support the growth of the Malawian music industry, to help advance creative professionals and to develop gifted young musicians, producers and sound engineers.

Royal University of Phnom Penh, Department of Social Work
The Department of Social Work at the Royal University of Phnom Penh began accepting students in 2008, and was developed with the partnership of the University of Washington School of Social Work.
The Department of Social Work is Cambodia's first institution offering qualifications in this field, and works alongside health providers and community groups, giving students the opportunity to gain practical experience in a range of settings.
The Department of Social Work is Cambodia's first institution offering qualifications in this field, and works alongside health providers and community groups, giving students the opportunity to gain practical experience in a range of settings.

Sa Sa Art Projects
Founded in 2010 and based in Phnom Penh, Sa Sa Art Projects is the only ongoing Cambodian artist-initiated and run space that is dedicated to experimental and critical contemporary art practices. They nurture a new generation of Cambodian artists, building stronger and vibrant art communities and cultivating a growing audience for art.

Services for the Health in Asian and African Regions (SHARE) is an NGO founded in 1983 by physicians, nurses and students in Japan to support people around the world in improving their health. SHARE currently carries out healthcare service programs in Cambodia, East Timor, and Japan to develop human resources and assist people and their communities in protecting their health.

Sony Corporation
Sony Corporation produces consumer and professional electronics, gaming, entertainment and financial services.

Timveni is a child and youth media organisation based in Lilongwe, Malawi. Timveni runs youth-targeted radio and television stations with the aim of ensuring that young Malawians have easy access to information and to opportunities available to them. Timveni is a platform where children and youth are given a voice to express themselves and try to solve the challenges that they encounter in their respective communities.

Tokyo Koon
Tokyo Koon was established in 1955 as a photo studio and has evolved to become a leader in audiovisual restoration. They have the equipment and professional skills to restore and digitise material from most obsolete and contemporary audiovisual formats.

Tonga Leitis' Association
The Tonga Leitis Association (TLA) was established in 1992 with a focus on improving the rights and celebrating the contribution of Leitis in Tonga. TLA is committed to making a significant difference in the lives of people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.

Training for TV Ltd
Training for TV Ltd provides technical, operations and creative training. They turn art into science and science into art in order to help broadcasters and program makers better understand the skills and knowledge needed to make and deliver great content.

Tumaini Letu
Tumaini Letu is a Dzaleka Refugee Camp-based organisation founded in 2012 by Trésor Nzengu Mpauni, also known as Menes la Plume, a refugee poet, musician and writer from Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 'Tumaini Letu' is a Swahili phrase that means 'our hope'. Tumaini Letu’s main project is the annual Tumaini Festival, a music an arts festival held at Dzaleka Refugee Camp, which attracts over 30,000 Malawians and foreigners each year.

University of Washington, School of Social Work
The University of Washington School of Social Work is committed to the promotion of social and economic justice for poor and oppressed populations and enhancing the quality of life for all. It strives to maximise human welfare through education, research and public service.