New vocational scholarships for Tonga Leitis Association
2 February 2018
Following the completion of four scholarships issued in 2016-17, Rei Foundation has entered a new agreement with the Tongan Leitis' Association (TLA) to fund ten new scholarships beginning in 2018. Among these ten new scholarships, Rei Foundation will fund six people from the leitis community to attend a full two-year programme at 'Ahopanilolo Technical Institute (ATI). Four additional half scholarships will be offered to students who have attended their first year at ATI but are not financially able to complete their training.
ATI provides quality vocational training qualifications and life skills, including courses in commercial cookery, accommodation services, fashion and design, and art, design and culture. This project’s overall objective is to transition young people who are currently not in schooling or employment into training and financial independence.

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